About Slalom

About Slalom

2003 High End Skis

Ski Boat Photos

Skiier Photo Page


Waterski Links

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The course
The slalom course consists of an entry gate, 6 turning balls, and an exit gate. the boat follows the path of bouys through the course while the skiier trys to complete the pass by going around each bouy. It sounds easy, but it isn't.

To the right: a skiier running the course. the boatis following the bouys, as the skiier weaves his way through. the bars you can see in the picture are underwater and they keep the bouys in line.

Rope Length
each successful pass that the skiier completes, the rope gets shorter. the shorter the length, the harder it is to complete the pass. The rope get to be so short that it won't reach the bouys, so the skier must throw his body out and around the bouy in order to complete the pass.

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